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Sunday Christians.

He wake's up, its 8:10 in his clock, takes a shower. Finds himself half asleep water running down his back, wondering what will he eat after the service is over, he shaves, and grumbling to his alarm clock as if it was an annoying friend, he gets dressed. He drinks his morning coffee, eats a toast. Now its 9:20, He gets in his car and drives his family to church, pulling up there, his grim expression and half asleep face shifts into a big smile, he now blesses being there and greets his fellow church attendees. Sits through the service, he sings a few songs, he's barely there, his nicely dressed body is there, and his mind seems to be there, he follows pastor Jim's sermon, but once he stands and prepares to leave his mind is wiped clean, he was recalling last night's game all along. He talks to his friends there, he portrays the image of a christian, he shares some insight to a seemingly christian life to John, his coworker, and Melissa, his wife's friend. He leaves, now the church is a distant reflection in the mirror as he drives away.

This is the sunday schedule for bob, one of the most loved and highly thought of members of his church, he's there, front row, every day with his family. However, Bob is not a christian, he might identify as such, he might pray now and then, and he might be well on track to become deacon of his church. But bob does not follow Christ, he's got the mere looks of a christian. He hates his neighbor Kyle because Kyle's dog barks just a little bit too much, and he secretly curses the day that the Winston family moved next door: "That family, always with their social gatherings, you cant sleep next to them!" He thinks to himself. He drinks, sometimes a little bit too much and ends up being put into a cab by the bartender. Reading the bible? that's not his style, he reads christianity today, its way easier. He thinks Jesus came and did all the work, we don't have to do anything, just believing he exists is enough, aint it?

This is the life of countless Americans, Christians on Sunday mornings, but atheists otherwise, they, we, sometimes live as if God doesn't exist. Sure, You, Bob and even I have maybe one or two WWJD T-shirts. We go to church and our bible sits neatly in our desk. But are we truly Christians? To get to answer this, and the reason why I say Bob is not a christian, we must understand what being a christian really is all about.
Lets begin with the very basic, why "Christians"? We are, and early disciples of Jesus were called Christians/ it happened at Antioch for the first time, and it was because they "were followers of Christ" (Acts 11:26) because such followers wished to walk and live like Jesus did and commanded us to do (1 John 1:6).

Then how you become a christian? If you can be a Christian, then logically, you could also Not be a Christian: Here Ephesians 2:8-9 shows us how you become a christian, This is, through Faith, through true faith one is saved, not by following a list of prerequisites or a list of rules. Is that enough? if thats true, Bob definitely is a Christian... but I maintain that he's not. Why? lets keep looking at what constitutes a christian, or more specifically, what true faith is.

Bob surely believes, or that's what he expresses, but does he have true faith? No, he doesn't.
You see, Jesus talks about how true believers, and faith, is like a seed that falls from the farmer's pocket, (many already know where this is heading) those who have real and true faith, are like those seeds that fall on good soil, and from that seed a big and strong plant grows. True faith, will undoubtedly, at the end, transform the person, maybe a true believer is not transformed right away. I myself lived kinda like Bob, but one thing was different, my heart longed for change, I was constantly hunted by the fact that I was living like if God was not real. So, even if the true believer is not changed right away, change will come, but change is hard, Jesus commands us to leave our old self behind, and follow him, to not be anxious, preach the gospel, that we will be hated by the world, but that at last, we will receive our reward (Luke 18:22, Philippians 4:6-7, Acts 18:9 & Mark 15:16, Mark13:13 - Matthew 10:22 - 2 Timothy 3:12 & Luke 21:17, Mattew 24:13 & 2 Timothy 3:11) this is a very hard thing to do, we have to basically get out there and make ourselves hated by strangers, friends and even family, and to work hard to live like Christ.

This is the problem. God calls us to follow him, no he doesn't asks us to do a list of prerequisites before helpings us out, and neither do we are called Christians one we fill out a form and do a list of things. Even if the above is true, being a christian means much more than simply going to church. Living a double life is exactly what the apostles address when addressing different churches in their letters, the idea of becoming like the world and forgetting Christ (and God himself) is very present throughout the bible (one example is in Proverbs 4:13 or in 2 Peter chapter 1). This is what brought the curse upon the Isrealites, and even against Moses, God had worked wonders for them, but they quickly forgot that and chose to do their thing. Sure they still called themselves "The Lord's chosen people" yet they time and time again showed that they where nothing like what God wants us to be. Living a double life, that is, living your life like nothing matters, but being a christian on Sundays, its, in its most harmless expression taking credibility and time from your worship. In its most destructive expression, its a pretty much guarantee for damnation. Why? because just like God damned the Israelites for worshiping the golden Calf, if we live this split life, we will inevitably end up worshiping something else. As Jefferson Bethke puts it in his video Counterfeit Gods "Even the dictionary defines God as what we make supreme [...] We all worship, [...] we all worship something, an object to which we are liable, ladies for some of your Boyfriend is your God, and Cosmo your bible [...] What is on your throne? what do you chase to not feel alone?" We all worship, But what do we worship? its either The Lord, our God, or clubbing, Our significant other, our Job, Porn, Alcohol, Drugs, Football, Tv. If I where to tell you "I am a well respected banker" but you see me working at piggly wiggly every day (southern reference y'all, its a convenience store) for minimum wage, you see me drunk all day long, and you see me covered in gang tattoos and sagging my pants... would you believe me? Probably not. So how we can ask Jesus to believe us when we say "I give my life to you Lord" or "You are my Savior", if then we do the very things he told us not to do, and ignore what he clearly instructed us to do? It doesnt matter what you sing in church, anyone can sing from a Hymnal, but what do you "sing" with your actions? do you worship God with your life? or with your lips?

As this line is the very center of today's post, this verse is at the center of tonight's topic, Matthew 15:8  says it well (of course it does... its Jesus himself speaking) "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." or this one in James 1:26 "If a person thinks that he is religious but can’t control his tongue, he is fooling himself. That person’s religion is worthless" ... I feel you Lord, many of us worship you with our lips indeed, but our lives, our minds, our hearts are far, far away from you. So how can you know Bob is not a Christian? How we know Bob is not a follower, a disciple of Jesus? because he hasn't changed. Bob stills worships alcohol, he speaks evil and does not show the love that Jesus wanted us to show to our neighbors. And like Bob, many of us worship mundane things, chase after the desires of the flesh. We might not physically build a golden calf... but we might as well do. At least, the golden calf cant destroy your life, worldly addictions can, and probably will.

And all of this change is radical. Americans tend to think the world is like them, but this couldn't be farther from the truth, In America, specially in the south, Christians have it real nice and easy, there we are majority, churches everywhere, brotherly love among the people like Jesus wants; the rest of the world is much, much different however. In most countries, even if Christianity is not illegal and nor are Christians physically stoned, in most of the world Christians are under attack. In my country, most people are either agnostic (accept the possibility of the existence of God, yet dont believe it rational) or Atheists (Categorically deny the very possibility and existence of any higher being, call it God or whatever). Not only we are out numbered, which we clearly are, but also we are under heavy criticism, everywhere, in schools, kids are tough that Christianity is the same as old Aztec or Greek Mythology, that our God, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Moses, is no different from the Gods of the Greek, no different from Baal and other idols which our God has destroyed. In our daily lives, in talk shows, in radio, Tv, in the streets, my fellow citizens attack, bash and try to humiliate Christians like me everywhere. Being a Christian in my country, more so in university, is like being a Soldier of God working and living behind, way behind, enemy lines. The life of a Christian in my country is not easy, everywhere we go its hostile territory, but we have to persevere. However difficult it might be, Jesus tells us, "Hey dude, its going to be hard, I dont deny it, You WILL BE BASHED, ATTACKED and MOCKED, but never deny me, keep steady, keep firm, and I'll give you what you deserve" (Mark 13:13) This is what true faith is like. If we truly think Jesus died on the crossed, rose from the dead three days latter and then ascended to heaven, why wouldnt I follow his teachings? its like seeing a medicine working on a deadly disease, yet not taking it because the side effect is a little coughing. If God exists, If Jesus is Lord, then not following him is voluntarily walking into damnation.

So we see, Christianity is not "Belief in christ" is "Following Christ" and the main thing Jesus Calls us to do, is to not deny him (Matthew 10:33), to preach his name to all nations (Matthew 28:19).
Being a christian is not going to church, a Christian is someone who was born again in Christ, and that follows him. A christian is a walking church, ready to help the needy, and a clear, living sign of Jesus Christ.
If you are a Christian you know it, you have changed your life, maybe quit drinking altogether (Drinking itself is not bad, drunkenness is. I will cover this latter on), Maybe you now go around town helping those who need it, but covered in anonymity, so that only you and your father, who is in heaven may see (Matthew 6:4). Maybe you started a blog to help you preach to the nations (guilty as charged). Maybe you decided to stay pure until marriage, or to not indulge in the desires of the flesh anymore. Maybe you quit Porn, Tobacco, Gossiping, Being Selfish, maybe you fast every so often and that meal you give it to someone in need, again, in secret (a good deed is no longer good if performed in order to obtain prestige or worldly praise, Matthew 6). But above all, you can tell a before and after. The Holy Grace of Jesus Christ has changed your life, your thought and so were your actions. Jesus uses the example of the seed that falls on good soil which grows big and fruitful, versus that that fell on rocky soil or in the road, neither of which lasted long.

Today, this Sunday I ask you, do you live every day in a Christian way? Do your actions make people wonder whats different between you and the next person? When the time comes, will you be ashamed when Jesus reads your thoughts out-loud to you and presents your actions to his father? or will you rejoice on the good work he did through the holy spirit in you? Moreover, Would you have been called a Christian back then if you were with the disciples at Antioch? or you'd be called a Jew, a Gentile, or a false Christian?
I think this all can be boiled down to one question: do you only follow Jesus when its all good and he performs wonders, when he feeds you, but leave once he tells you there's no more bread? or do you stay, like the disciples did?
Dont be like the atheist, living like there's no God during the week, but then put a mask on sunday morning, make Jesus, make God the center and the driving force behind your life, behind your actions and thoughts.
Have the "What would Jesus Do?" question engraved in your mind, not on your shirt.

May God Bless y'all


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