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What to Expect?

Hello! Hey, If you are wondering what to expect here, first, let me tell you who I am first... I'm a bible believing christian. A christian who has no repair regarding being apologetic and cautious, if the bible says it (in context) I affirm it, I believe it and i might write about it...

Because of that, I might come across the wrong way for christians who are merely culturally christians.
Now, then what to expect? well, simple really, bible filled content. Bible inspired content. Really, just the content that I feel is necessary to be adressed, that's where some of my posts talking about Brokenness, God's Love, True Faith, Sin, and so on have come to being. Sometimes I write as if I was writing for a younger me strugguling with faith, with trusting God, with sex, with pornography, and sometimes I write from a place of ignorace, a broken individual talking about brokenness, just adressing myself; telling myself what I already know but somehow still struggle with.

At the end of the day, You'll find bible based content. Thats all I can say, because I have no agenda, no focus, no theme, no reason for writing but for trying to reach people that might find this useful... maybe i'm talking to myself, no one really being helped by this... maybe i'm touching every reader's heart. I really don't know; I'd love if it was the latter, but probably it is not, probably is not the first either... maybe is a middle ground, some touched, some bored.

I write long posts, sometimes they might seem like an essay. Since I have written essays almost every week since 2011 and I'm sorta of an English Major (not really, but kinda), some of that backstory and style sorta bleeds out and is there to be seen. I write sometimes very informally (like here), using "sorta" "kinda" "gonna" "ain't", etc. and that comes from me just being a young guy who spends lots and lots of time on places like instagram and talking with friends ... so who knows? I dont know really what you might find, only God knows, I just hope that God may use it for your benefit.

All here is Done for the praise of the Eternal God. For He who just IS.


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