What denomination are you part of?
Well... Christian! oh... you ment like Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Lutheran and so on?oh........ Thats harder to answer.
When I was in Junior Year in Highschool and looking for the truth in the scriptures, I came to be part of the Souther Baptist church, then I returned to my Home country, here, I was astray for some time, finally going back to a Southern (although not really southern as its not in america, just doctrinally southern) Baptist church were I was happy until I found out that Sabbath Keeping was never really abolished (Check this article for more info on that). But as there are no Seventh Day Baptists in my country, I attend a Seventh Day Adventist Church (no.. I dont believe EG. White is a prophet) on saturdays and a Baptist Church on Sundays.
We are saved through Jesus alone, not Sabbath keeping! why then do you do it?
Ephesians 2:8-9 ... Right on! However, because I'm saved through faith alone, doesn't mean we can sin as we wish. Actually, Paul adressed that! In his letter to the church in Rome, he adressed that "if you are dead to sin" you dont want to continue sining, and Even if God's grace abounds in sin, we shouldn't sin so grace may abound even more! Simply, a true faith is that which makes you stop sining. Once you realize that not keeping the Sabbath was a Sin, then you stop wanting to not keep it. Just like I dont want to commit sexual inmorality, I dont want to break the sabbath.
You are wrong/right, how can I contact you to tell you that?
I will get back to you as soon as I'm available, so it will probably be that very day!
That cited email address apparently "doesn't exist". I recently tried to send you a personal message to that address, and it wasn't delivered. Please give me your correct personal email address in a message to me at bob.sherbondy@yahoo.com. I hope to get better acquainted with you as we can share notes about our ministries with each other.
ReplyDeleteThat's odd... anyways, I entered to the inbox of that email account and i copied the adress and then pasted it in this section. Anyways, i also sent you an email directly as well!