"Jesus aint for me, you know, I dont want more rules to follow" Or "Jesus aint for me, I like drinking", "I sleep around", "I'm a lair", "I've had an abortion" or "I'm Gay! God cant love me!". This are some of the "rebuttals" some people use, or think, in order to excuse themselves for not following Jesus; sometimes, they really think that being this things actually bar them from becoming Christian. I've even heard the "You know, I cant be a christian, I love gays way too much". To be honest, this is utter nonsense. If you are broken, a sinner, doesnt matter the type of life you got, Jesus can, will, and does love you and is eager for you to follow him. Now here comes the issue, many of us have felt that because we are too broken, God cant use us, that we ought to resign ourselves to a life of earthly living because we are not "good enough" to follow Jesus, when actually, Jesus did...
Who am I? let me tell you who I am not: pastor, Deacon, a Youth group leader or anything of the likes; I am just a Christian who has had a new birth in Christ and now strives to fulfill Matthew 28:19 by making disciples and preaching the gospel to all nations. May God Bless you