Jesus said he did not come to abolish the law but to fullfill it, we know that, but a question is begging to get answered... What is to "abolish"? What did Jesus ment with that? Did he mean he came to do away with? Maybe He fulfill as in "it is done and finished"? Let's answer this, because in this verse lies a great point... Lets see, first, to abolish is " to do away with, to finish, to discard" . If he did not come to discard the law, what did he came for? Well, a translation of fulfill can be "to complete", another is "to carry out as required or pledged" This is quite interesting, because it poses a question, if Jesus did not come to "discard" the law, but to "carry it out as intended" then, should WE also live by Mosaic law? Should WE , and by "we" I mean 21st century non-jewish christians, also keep the sabbath? Should we eat Pork? should we carry on with Jewish law? after all, according to Je...
Who am I? let me tell you who I am not: pastor, Deacon, a Youth group leader or anything of the likes; I am just a Christian who has had a new birth in Christ and now strives to fulfill Matthew 28:19 by making disciples and preaching the gospel to all nations. May God Bless you