Hello Again! Hey, before you begin, this will be a post that is somewhat (who am I kidding.. sorta, kinda, little bit) long, and that is because this topic is really important, after all, the Sabbath is the fourth commandments, so it deserves to be discussed in detail. That said, there's a lot I didnt cover, and if you want to engage with me, tell me I'm wrong or whatever, then leave a comment, i'd really appreciate it! now, lets begin, shall we? Christians usally take a "The Old Covenant is no longer relevant" mentality, and while it is true that the sacrifies are no longer offered, and the Temple is not longer the dwelling place of the Eternal God, it doesn't really mean that it is no longer relevant. First, its hugely importart to understand it as to have a very clear picture of how much we transgress God's Law. Even so, there's an even more important point... God doesnt change his mind, Numbers 23:19 says in this aspect: God is not man, that...
Who am I? let me tell you who I am not: pastor, Deacon, a Youth group leader or anything of the likes; I am just a Christian who has had a new birth in Christ and now strives to fulfill Matthew 28:19 by making disciples and preaching the gospel to all nations. May God Bless you